Thangka classes will begin 8/4/13

July 30th, 2013 by studio

An Introduction to Tibetan Thangka Painting

Time/Location: Beginning August 4th, Sundays, 2-5 p.m.

The classes are at the artist’s studio: Tibetan Gallery & Studio, 6770 McKinley Street #130, Sebastopol, CA 95472.

For centuries the rich art of Tibet was influenced by its neighbors, India and China.  Menlha Dhondup introduced the first original Tibetan painting style in the 1500s.  The later styles reflected his work, thus establishing the Menris tradition throughout Tibet.

It is characterized by clear outlines, strong colors, fine shadings, and its accentuations in gold. One thangka can take between one to six months to create. Canvases take days to prepare, and the finest mineral colors are hand mixed in the traditional fashion to guarantee the long life of each piece.

The development of this style was interrupted by the Chinese invasion of Tibet. The tradition was revived by Venerable Sangye Yeshi.

Master Tibetan artist, Tashi Dhargyal, studied under Sangye Yeshi and they subsequently opened the Institute of Tibetan Thangka Art in Dharamsala, India.

Class objective:
*Introduce students to Buddhist-influenced art.
*Have students learn about the materials and methods used in this ancient art.
*Students will work to complete their own thangka.

In-studio classes:
Students will first learn about the materials used in traditional Tibetan thangka.  While supplies will be provided, students will see the materials used to make the paints from pigments and carrying agents. They will also learn about canvas preparation.

Students will begin by initially drawing on the canvas with a provided sketch, and will begin to understand the mathematics and precision necessary for thangka.

In continuing classes, students will learn to work with mineral colors, creating their backgrounds, and later moving into the different stages of paining and shading.

Finally, they will work directly with the teacher to complete the eyes and final details of their thangka.

For full details, materials list, and cost, click HERE.