Posts Tagged ‘Thangka Class’

Thangka classes will begin 8/4/13

July 30th, 2013 by studio

An Introduction to Tibetan Thangka Painting

Time/Location: Beginning August 4th, Sundays, 2-5 p.m.

The classes are at the artist’s studio: Tibetan Gallery & Studio, 6770 McKinley Street #130, Sebastopol, CA 95472.

For centuries the rich art of Tibet was influenced by its neighbors, India and China.  Menlha Dhondup introduced the first original Tibetan painting style in the 1500s.  The later styles reflected his work, thus establishing the Menris tradition throughout Tibet.

It is characterized by clear outlines, strong colors, fine shadings, and its accentuations in gold. One thangka can take between one to six months to create. Canvases