Posts Tagged ‘Thangka’

We are so excited that the 2020 Tibetan Art Calendar has been released with Wisdom Publications!

Friends – this project began almost two and a half years ago, and we are so happy to announce that Tashi’s calendar is now available, and in its first day is already a #1 New Release on Amazon!
The calendar features many of the beautiful, delicate thangka that you have seen either during your visit to the Tibetan Gallery, or shared by us online.

It truly is framable art, and features White Tara in Bhutan, Rainbow Body Guru Rinpoche, Vajra Ganesh, Chenrezig, Manjushri, Palden

Please Join us in October for this special week of events!

It is suggested you email us to let us know you plan to attend Dharma teachings and the Cultural Pagaent being held at Move 2 Change as space is limited.
